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News from Bundaberg

19 August, 2023
Catholic Education Week choir

Catholic Education Week

Many of our parishioners received a “Faith, Hope and Love” card at Mass recently. These were the cards made and distributed by the students of our Catholic primary schools during Catholic Education Week which began on Sunday, July 23rd. The week began fittingly with a Mass celebrated at Holy Rosary on the Sunday afternoon. It was wonderful to see the church filled with young children, parents, and teachers. They brought life to our Sunday gathering. The children participated in the ministries of the Mass, encouraged by their teachers and parents.

During the week our schools recognised the value of Catholic Education through various activities within the schools and the community. Some activities included Random Acts of Kindness challenges; distributing cards to the Police and Ambulance officers, local nursing homes, hospitals, the SES, and the schools’ neighbours; prayer assemblies, making hampers for the Angels Community Group; and selling Kindness Cupcakes for Mini Vinnies. Our Catholic Schools do so much to make the message of Jesus Christ real for today.

Bundaberg was fortunate to have three young women attend World Youth Day, Lisbon. At the conclusion of the CEW Mass our pilgrims were blessed and commissioned to go out and bring God’s goodness to all they encountered on their journeys. Many followed their journey on Facebook and shared their excitement. We now look forward to their return and the stories they will share.

Relay for Life

For the last ten years, our parish has taken part in the Queensland Cancer Council’s Relay for Life. The Relay raises much needed funds for cancer research. Many of our parishioners have experienced the grief that comes from witnessing the effects of cancer on a loved one. Many have survived cancer too. For this reason, we have supported the Cancer Council’s fundraising efforts.

On Saturday, 22nd July, our team organised a luncheon at the Brothers Club and asked the parishioners to support their efforts by either attending, donating raffle prizes or money. This year’s luncheon was a huge success thanks to the efforts of the team and the support of parishioners and businesses who donated prizes. All tables were sold-out and over $5000 was raised and donated to the Cancer Council.

Passionist Family Group

During the last weekend in July, we were hosts to Fr Ray Sanchez CP and Mrs Celine Bowman who led the Parish at each Mass in a deeper understanding of the aims of the group. In Bundaberg there are two groups, one each at Bargara and Central Bundaberg. From the interest shown by parishioners, it appears that we will welcome a third group to the Parish in the near future.

The Passionist Family Group aims to build Christian community through the development of the extended family. Its focus is on people caring for, loving and accepting each other. Family Groups strive to meet the needs of the heart rather than the head and do this by arranging low-cost social gatherings where members can feel welcome and at home.

Year 7 Students visit the Church

As part of their Religious Education curriculum the Year 7 students of Shalom College were required to visit a Catholic Church to discover the furnishings, the objects, and the practices that define a church as Catholic. Ten classes over three weeks came to Holy Rosary Church to be welcomed by parish staff, Br Ted Magee and Mrs Anne Sheehan. The students came in awe as, for many, visiting the church was a new experience. Br Ted and Anne enjoyed sharing their love for and knowledge of Holy Rosary church’s history, architecture, sacred objects and furnishings. Come again anytime!