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News from Bundaberg

19 October, 2022
On Migrant and Refugee Sunday.

The Moment – IGNITE 2022

Five young people from our Bundaberg Parish travelled to Brisbane for the Ignite Conference held during the September school holidays. We were grateful for the support of the generous parishioners who sponsored this trip.

Inspirational talks by Catholic speakers from around the country, including Sam Brebner, Sr Therese Mills MGL, Fr Rob Galea and Maddie Wilson, were delivered. On Friday night the young ones experienced a time of Eucharistic Adoration, led by Bishop Michael and assisted by Fr Ashwin, a priest in our Diocese. They also heard testimonies from three inspiring people, including Sr Mel Dwyer, whose lives were radically changed by following God’s call to discipleship.

Our young people were able to socialise with over 2000 young Catholics from around Australia. They saw that they are not alone on their journey of faith. Pray for the young people of our parish to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Go! But stop for a chat before you go!

That’s the purpose of holding Cuppas after Mass. On the first Sunday of every month, the parishioners at St James’, Bargara, stay for a catch-up over “breakfast”. On the second Sunday of the month a cuppa is held after the 8.00am Mass at Holy Rosary Church. These are held so that we come to know each other as friends with a common purpose.

Fr Peter with the East Timorese members

On Migrant and Refugee Sunday, 25th September, the early migrants to our area, the Italians, were invited to host a morning tea after the 8.00am Mass. The gathering was a successful, hospitable conclusion to our Migrant and Refugee Mass. From this a group of young men and women from Timor Leste (East Timor) working in the Bundaberg area for the next few months offered to host morning tea after Mass on Sunday, October 9th. It too was a great success. These men and women want to be included in the Sunday gatherings as if they were home.

The Eucharist: Source and summit

A good number of parishioners were privileged to listen to Sr Ursula O’Rourke, SGS, on Friday, 7th October, speak on the Catholic Church’s greatest gift to her people, the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life.” Sr Ursula began by asking the questions: “What happens to you in your experience of celebrating the Eucharist on Sunday?” Why do you go to Mass? What’s your experience? These were good questions for each of us to think about.

Sr Ursula reminded us of the long history of the Eucharist, based on the Jewish worship traditions, and how over the centuries, the Eucharist has evolved to its present form. She applauded the work of the Church fathers of the Second Vatican Council who saw the need for revival, renewal and restoration of the liturgy. She also took us for a walk through the Mass with explanations of what’s happening at certain points and why.

On the next day, Sr Ursula gathered with the musicians and singers of the parish for a refresher course in the ministry of music, reminding us that we do so out of a call to serve the Assembly and to assist them in singing the praise of God. Sr Ursula then met with a small group of fledgling Funeral Preparation ministers enlightening them on the intentions of the Order of Christian Funerals.

It is good to be formed in our faith as often as we can. Every snippet of information that we can glean from reputable sources can only assist us in ministry. We thanked Sr Ursula for her time and talent and look forward to having her in Bundaberg again.