News from Biloela
20 October, 2022Welcome to Migrants and Refugees
To mark Refugees and Migrants Sunday, the parish threw an open invitation to all who moved into Biloela from outside Australia. During the mass they were received, then after it, there was morning tea and bags containing towels, shampoos and other toiletries, and gift cards donated by parishioners and St Vincent de Paul given out to them.
Birthday Greetings to 105 Year Old Parishioner
Some parishioners visited Mrs Gwen Banks on Friday 7th October after Mass, as she marked her 105th birthday.
The 59th St Joseph’s Annual Ball
Fairy lights twinkled, the music played and more than 600 students, parents, staff and invited guests dressed in their best and danced the night away at the 59th Annual St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Ball held at the Biloela Civic Centre in early October.
In an evening of old-world charm, where manners and etiquette shone, the whole school community took their turn around the floor with each year level from Kindergarten to Year 6 presenting various ballroom dances culminating with all in attendance joining together for the final dance bracket which included the highly anticipated Gypsy Tap.
In 1963, the Gypsy Tap was the first dance students learnt in preparation for the inaugural School Ball which was then held at the Biloela School of Arts. The dance has been a crowd favourite and a feature of the program every year since.
The evening commenced with all 160 students taking their partners for their grand entrance spiraling onto the dance floor in the hall which had been beautifully decorated under the Disney-style theme, A Magical World.
The St Joseph’s 2022 student cohort embraced the Ball’s proud tradition showing perseverance, patience, respect for each other and a willingness to learn, according to Principal, Tina Knight.
“All students participated in dance lessons throughout Term 3 in preparation for the Ball with our dedicated and talented instructor for many years, Mrs Leonie Wells, and I could not be more proud of the students’ efforts and the way in which they conducted themselves,” Mrs Knight said.
“The Ball enables practicing social niceties and a standard of behaviour which promotes genuine respect and consideration for others in an atmosphere of unity and fun,” Mrs Knight said.
As Ball Coordinator for the past 13 years, Mrs Knight knows well the extent of the contribution of many who donate their time and talents to planning and presenting the event.
‘The school and wider community continue to embrace the Ball’s proud tradition which is only made possible through the ongoing commitment and generous contribution of volunteers,” Mrs Knight said.
“Parents are invited to join the Ball Organising Committee and year after year we are overwhelmed with the generosity of time and effort given. This year our group of highly creative ladies, headed by Miranda Munroe, devoted many weeks and hours to organizing and decorating the Civic Centre,” Mrs Knight said.
“So too, our musician, Mark Schluter, caterer, Shonnel Davis and the many parent and staff volunteers who assisted in countless ways, have all generously contributed their time and talents to make the evening a memorable success,” Mrs Knight said.
A highlight of the evening was the formal presentation of Year 6 students to the parent body followed by the announcement of the 2022 St Joseph’s Award recipient, Summer Munroe.
The St Joseph’s award is presented to a student who demonstrates social awareness; is thoughtful, just, organized, helpful and self-accepting; displays effort and persistence; and provides example in the spirit of St Joseph’s School.
Mrs Knight said the Annual School Ball was a nostalgic and sentimental occasion, much-loved by the school and wider community which she hoped would be celebrated for many years to come.