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In Loving Memory

23 February, 2023

We remember in prayer those who have died in the last few months.

Capricorn Coast

Colin Shaw, Mary Nash, Howard Stephenson, Bill Mylrea, Philip Quinn,  Roy Vandenberg, Eileen Gosden, Margaret Thwaite


Mary Pike, Brenden Rieck, Althea Brotto, Antoinette Bromwich, Fred Galea, Gerard King, Colleen Brown, Lisa Zorzan, Joe Attard


Trevor Daniels, Arthur (Ted) Harvey, Margaret Anthony, Geoffery Kavanagh

Valleys Region

Marry Barry, Rita Ross, Sylvia Bongers, Brian Kelly.

Central West Region

John Suthers


Bruce Wilby, Lyn Ilott

May they enter the fullness of God’s life and love.