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Capricorn Coast News

16 February, 2024
Overflowing Christmas Mass

It was wonderful to see so many people in our churches at Christmas, celebrating the birth of our Saviour – Jesus Christ.

On the 28th December, we were privileged to celebrate with Bill and Marie Mahony and their family, the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Bill and Marie took this opportunity during Mass, to renew their wedding vows led by Fr Noel.  Bill and Marie met and lived in Blackall for many years before moving to Emerald in later years.  Their actual anniversary is on 26th January 2024.   Very Happy 50th Anniversary Bill and Marie!! We pray you will be blessed with many more years to come.

While Fr Matthew was away in Longreach after Christmas visiting family, he had the privilege of baptising his great nephew and niece. Congratulations and welcome to God’s family.                  Fr Matthew also had the opportunity to catch up with Fr Kingsley.

Since our last newsletter we have celebrated a few birthdays and photos of a couple are attached -Fr Noel Milner, Angela Wilczek, Nita Humphries and Helen McIntyre. Helen thanked the very caring parish community for their love, best wishes and beautiful flowers.

While Fr Matthew was away visiting Fr Peter Tonti and attending a Clergy Life and Ministry Conference, we were in the very capable hands of Bishop Michael and Fr Noel. Thank you both very much for your ministry to us in Fr Matthew’s absence.

What a blessing it was, to be able to gather for Mass on Australia Day,  and pray for the freedom we enjoy in this wonderful country, and also pray for all who live in it. We finished Mass by singing the national anthem.

We welcome our schools back to another amazing year – St Brendan’s College, St Ursula’s College, Sacred Heart Primary School and St Benedict’s Primary School.

As usual we gathered for our Meet in the Middle after a break over Christmas. We gather from both sides of the parish to just enjoy each other’s company with a good coffee. It was great to see the familiar faces along with some new ones. Muriel Heritage who is now living in Mackay, is presently in town visiting, and was also able to join us.  If you are in the area on March 11th, please join us for our next gathering at The Waterline Cafe commencing at 10am.

As we move into lent starting this Wednesday, our parish community is looking forward to meeting in groups to reflect upon scripture and our journey of faith using the Alpha Program.

On Ash Wednesday, Fr Samuel Okoroafor came from the Cathedral Parish to fill in while Fr Matthew recuperated from Covid.  It was good to see him back.  He celebrated his first Mass in Australia at Emu Park. Representatives from St Ursula’s and St Brendan’s Colleges were present and collected ashes for distribution in their school communities.