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Bishop’s Letter – Referendum on Indigenous Voice

31 March, 2023

28 March 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Re:      Referendum on the Voice

On Wednesday 16th March, Fr Frank Brennan SJ joined the Priests’ Council to inform us on the proposed referendum on the Indigenous Voice to parliament.

I attach an article that Fr Brennan wrote for the Catholic Weekly which outlines many of the issues that have been brought up by the debate.  Fr Brennan has also written a book, An Indigenous Voice to Parliament: Considering a constitutional bridge, which is available through the Cathedral Gift and Bookstore.

As this is a very important debate and with the upcoming referendum, I invite you to read Fr Brennan’s articles and book to be informed and to accurately assess the importance of this referendum.

Yours sincerely

Most Rev Michael McCarthy
Bishop of Rockhampton