News from Bundaberg
20 May, 2024
The early morning Mass held at St Patrick’s War Memorial Church was well attended by ex-service personnel, their families, and parishioners. Following the Mass a light breakfast was served in the nearby hall, and all were welcome.
Many then set off for the March through the city streets. Our schools all marched in solidarity with the local community.
Sr Mary Della’s farewell
Fr Don presented Sr Mary with a farewell gift on behalf of the Parish. Fr Don spoke of Sr Mary’s outstanding contribution to the life and ministry of the Parish since 2015 and of her exemplary religious presence in our community. Sr Mary spoke of her love for the community and of her gratitude at being able to serve in Bundaberg. Warm applause from the large congregation in attendance was equalled by their conviviality at morning tea which followed.
Go with God, Sr Mary.
24th Birthday of Passionist Family Groups in Bundaberg
A luncheon was held to celebrate the occasion. There are three Groups in Bundaberg and between them some fifty-two families who are members. Monthly functions of a social and varied character are arranged by the three coordinators. Members find strength, community and support from each other through the simple sharing of a meal and a conversation.
Cemetery Working Bee
The Catholic Cemetery was the venue for a working Bee before Mothers’ Day. With the work of our sexton and his mowing group and the beautification of the shady grove of self-sown trees in one section, the cemetery was made to look really presentable for the influx of parishioners who made their way to pay their love and remembrance of their mothers.
A dedicated group – Friends of the Catholic Cemetery – meet monthly, lead prayers each month at the cemetery and provide a “cuppa” for working bees etc.
Truly our departed sisters and brothers are not forgotten.
Hard at clearing the grove. The result of working together.