Implementation of COVID-19 Risk Management Measures for volunteers
09 December, 2021The Diocese has been considering how best to ensure the safety of its volunteers upon the imminent reopening of Queensland’s borders. As I am sure you would be aware, the Diocese has obligations under workplace health and safety legislation and duty of care to provide safe work environments for its volunteers.
After assessing the risks of COVID-19 transmission associated with different categories of volunteers, the Diocese will be implementing the following measures for volunteers from 17th December 2021:
Category | Measures to manage the risks associated with this category of volunteers |
Volunteers who are required to interact closely and/or frequently with large numbers of the general public or with people with compromised immune systems (e.g. funeral ministry, sacramental preparation presenters, receptionists, secretaries, hospital and aged care ministries, home visitation, extraordinary ministers of communion in church and in homes) | · Remind volunteers of the voluntary nature of their service and that there is no obligation to volunteer · Emphasise the heightened risk of COVID-19 transmission upon the opening of borders · Require volunteers in this category to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 · Encourage all volunteers to wear masks where physical distancing is not possible · Remind volunteers of the importance of COVID safe practices (e.g. hand washing/sanitising, maintaining appropriate physical distancing wherever possible) |
Volunteers required to work with children (e.g. youth ministry presenters, children’s liturgists) | · Remind volunteers of the voluntary nature of their service and that there is no obligation to volunteer · Emphasise the heightened risk of COVID-19 transmission upon the opening of borders · Highly recommend volunteers in this category to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 · Encourage all volunteers to wear masks where physical distancing is not possible · Remind volunteers of the importance of COVID safe practices (e.g. hand washing/sanitising, maintaining appropriate physical distancing wherever possible) |
Category | Measures to manage the risks associated with this category of volunteers |
Volunteers who have moderate level of interaction with the general public (e.g. RCIA, musicians, readers, greeters, sacristans, Professional Standards Representatives, livestream/projector operators, altar servers, lay led liturgy leaders) | · Remind volunteers of the voluntary nature of their service and that there is no obligation to volunteer · Emphasise the heightened risk of COVID-19 transmission upon the opening of borders · Highly recommend volunteers in this category to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 · Encourage all volunteers to wear masks where physical distancing is not possible · Remind volunteers of the importance of COVID safe practices (e.g. hand washing/sanitising, maintaining appropriate physical distancing wherever possible) |
Volunteers who are required to interact with items/facilities used by the general public (e.g. money counters, church & office cleaners) | · Remind volunteers of the voluntary nature of their service and that there is no obligation to volunteer · Emphasise the heightened risk of COVID-19 transmission upon the opening of borders · Encourage volunteers in this category to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 · Encourage all volunteers to wear masks where physical distancing is not possible · Remind volunteers of the importance of COVID safe practices (e.g. hand washing/sanitising, maintaining appropriate physical distancing wherever possible) |
Volunteers who have limited contact with the general public and/or facilities (e.g. groundspersons/gardeners, flower arrangers/church décor) | · Remind volunteers of the voluntary nature of their service and that there is no obligation to volunteer · Emphasise the heightened risk of COVID-19 transmission upon the opening of borders · Encourage volunteers in this category to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 · Encourage all volunteers to wear masks where physical distancing is not possible · Remind volunteers of the importance of COVID safe practices (e.g. hand washing/sanitising, maintaining appropriate physical distancing wherever possible) |
Committee members (e.g. Finance Council, Pastoral Council, leadership committees, etc.) | · Remind volunteers of the voluntary nature of their service and that there is no obligation to volunteer · Emphasise the heightened risk of COVID-19 transmission upon the opening of borders · Encourage volunteers in this category to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 · Encourage all volunteers to wear masks where physical distancing is not possible · Remind volunteers of the importance of COVID safe practices (e.g. hand washing/sanitising, maintaining appropriate physical distancing wherever possible) |
It is important to point out that these measures may be changed at short notice to respond to a change in circumstances.
If you have any questions about these measures, please speak to your Parish Priest or contact the Human Resources Office by emailing or calling 4887 3090.