Stella Maris Seafarers Centre is the Catholic Church’s missionary work to the seafarers whether they be on merchant, passenger or fishing vessels. While the Church has always been interested in seafarers since Christ gathered his fishermen-disciples around him, the modern movement began in the 1890’s.

The purpose of this mission is to care for the spiritual, social and material welfare of all seafarers without distinction of colour, race or creed.

In 1993 a number of different people within the shipping and catholic community in the Mackay region formed a committee concerned with seafarers’ welfare. Starting with a bus and a phone attending to the ships at the terminals and transporting crew to the CBD, the service has grown and consolidated over the years. Fr Peter Green was the first port chaplain. In 1995 a house was purchased at 43 Brisbane Street and renovated into a centre that provides various services and facilities to seafarers who come on shore leave at the Ports of Mackay and Hay Point. They are able to offer free Wi-Fi for seafarers to contact families and loved ones while they are ashore; they have a pool table, book exchange, a souvenir shop, prepaid phone cards and recharge cards as well as money exchange facilities, a bar, TV and second hand clothes store.

The management team and volunteers are dedicated to the health and well-being of all seafarers who visit our shores. They offer hospital visits for any that have taken ill en route to this part of the world. Our Port Chaplain, Father Don White, is available when requested for mass services etc. on board the vessels.

Stella Maris Seafarers Centre

Pauline Harris
Centre Manager
07 4953 4038 43 Brisbane Street
Mackay Qld 4740