News from the Central West
17 April, 2024
Excitement was in the air on Sunday 14th April for the Installation of Fr Bang, svd as Parish Priest of the Central West Cluster of Parishes. Local parishioners and community members, along with a few parishioners from elsewhere in the Cluster, gathered at St Brigid’s Longreach for Sunday Mass and to witness this historic moment.
Fr Bang verbally professed and signed his assent to a statement of the faith of the Church, and an oath of fidelity to it. The technical hiccups of the day were overshadowed by the positives, especially the exuberant live music and choral prowess of some of the local I-Kiribati men. We also made the most of Bishop Michael’s visit during the Easter season as we received Sahlie into the Catholic Church, and who, together with Bella, received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
Congratulations to Fr Bang, Sahlie and Bella. We thank Bishop Michael for making the time to preside, those who travelled and attended Mass solely for this event, and especially to the volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure that this was a special day for all involved.