Family Resources

Family Resources
Families form the foundation of our Church and society. Parents are entrusted with their children by God and called to raise them in love and faith. The Church talks about the family home being the ‘domestic church’ or ‘little church’ and teaches that parents are the primary educators of their children. Being a parent is an amazing gift and an awesome responsibility that provides plenty of challenges. These resources are for the benefit or Catholic families to inspire, guide and resource you in your vocation.
Founded by Francine & Byron Pirola, CathFamily is an Australian website that features resources, activities and articles for families. They also produce CathKids, which provides a weekly video, reflection, discussion questions, activity and prayer for a small subscription fee.
Catholic Sprouts
Catholic Sprouts seeks to help parents to evangelise their children. They produce a daily 5 minute podcast for kids and provide other resources for parents.
Catholic Sprouts
Messy Family Project
The ministry of Mike and Alicia Hernon, who have 10 children together! Messy Family Project produce a regular blog and podcast and link to some helpful resources for families.
Messy Family Project