Being Catholic

Our faith transforms the way we live and love in this world. Being Catholic is not simply attending the Eucharist on a Sunday and saying the occasional prayer. They are but a part, a stepping stone, to realising that the love of God is the basis for all in our lives, and we strive to have that love guide the way we love and treat other people.
Being Catholic means being a part of a community on so many different levels. We join with others to celebrate the Eucharist, we are members of a local parish. When we travel, we know we are ‘home’ when we celebrate in other churches or parishes. We know we belong to a world-wide community. And we know that those who have gone before us are alive in God, still caring for and loving us. When we serve, we know we are offering the service of Jesus, and we see his face in those we serve.
How can we connect?
- attend Mass and connect with a local parish community
- join in regional or Diocesan Catholic events or groups
- join a community to grow and share with
- meet and welcome those in my local community
Being Catholic means that we recognise the spiritual dimension of reality. We know that God listens to our prayer and we are able to hold all in our hearts. Even though we often don’t see the response to our prayer, we know that our good desires for others are heard and cherished by our God.
How can we pray?
- formal prayers of the church – Our Father, Hail Mary, the Rosary
- read and reflect on the scriptures
- through music
- pray with and for others
- develop conversation and relationship with God – just talk
- ask the intercession of the Saints
- take moments of silence to just be and listen
- use technology and apps for resources
Being Catholic means that we live lives of service. We know that our God gives himself totally in love and our best response is to allow that love to flow through us in service. We are well aware of our failures, but they are no excuse to not try to respond even more in love.
How can we serve?
- “never see a need without doing something about it” St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
- help your local parish community (cleaning, ministries, visitations)
- volunteer at a local nursing home or community group
- lend a hand to your neighbour or an elderly person
- volunteer with a social outreach organisation (St Vincent de Paul, CentacareCQ)
Being Catholic means that we are called to grow and develop the mystery of who God has called me to be. We believe that God has created each and every one of us with a desire for us to grow to the fullness of being and that we are called to develop our gifts and talents to God’s glory, in service to others and for the happiness of our own lives.
How can we grow?
- read the scriptures and reflections to break it down
- find out about the teachings of the church and the Saints
- connect with parish or Diocesan groups in faith formation and education
- use technology and apps for resources
Being Catholic means that we believe in the goodness and beauty of this world. In spite of all the difficulties and challenges, the sins and failures that humanity faces, we believe that God’s Spirit is working in and through creation to bring about the Kingdom of God.
How do we see the beauty and goodness?
- stop and reflect on the natural world God has created
- consider how blessed you are in your life
- take time to appreciate and thank your family and friends
- think of 3 good things that happened today and give thanks for that
- maintain a positive attitude – trials will pass
- smile
Being Catholic means that we share our faith with others. This can be difficult at times and we may not feel we know how to. But we are called to share and live it in this world and be witnesses.
How can we share our faith?
- when talking about your weekend include “I went to Mass” with your other activities
- invite someone to come to Mass or another church event with you – particularly at Easter and Christmas
- leave a Catholic book or reflection or prayer on the coffee table, the fridge, at work or on public transport
- use a religious Christmas card
- offer to pray for someone who is going through a difficult time
- wear a religious medal or jewellery
- talk about your faith and offer to find out information if you don’t have the answer
- share why faith is important to you
- say “God bless” at the end of a conversation
- say a prayer before meals
- invite someone to join the church – through RCIA for adults