St Ursula’s College News
17 August, 2021Red Bench Project launch
St Ursula’s College, Yeppoon, is determined to change the ending for victims of domestic violence. The College is proud to support The Red Rose Foundation’s Red Bench Project, and Livingstone Shire Mayor, Andy Ireland, officially unveiled the newly painted seating in the College’s Courtyard on Monday 2 August.
St Ursula’s College Principal, Mrs Deborah Ryan, said the Red Bench Project was significant in the fight against domestic violence. “Domestic violence occurs in every community, and it is vital that we continue to raise awareness in order to change the ending,” Mrs Ryan said.
“During Term 2, Madden House – led by their Captain, Year 12 student, Larissa Cook – focussed on raising awareness throughout St Ursula’s about domestic violence,” Mrs Ryan said.
“The Madden House fundraiser provided a donation of approximately $700 to the Red Rose Foundation, which led to our participation in the Red Bench Project.”
The Red Rose Foundation commenced the Red Bench Project in 2019; participation involves the installation and/or painting red of a bench to create ongoing awareness about the existence of domestic and family abuse. According to The Red Rose Foundation website, each Red Bench Project seating has a plaque that reads ‘Domestic Violence: Let’s Change The Ending’.
Mrs Ryan said the Red Bench will act as a conduit to continuing conversations to ‘change the ending’ in our community.
“A Red Bench in such a prominent position in our College Courtyard will provide a constant reminder to students and staff that it’s important to keep speaking out against domestic violence.”
Nagle House Mass
St Ursula’s College, Yeppoon, hosted its Term 3 House Mass on Thursday 12 August in the Yarning Circle on campus.
Capricorn Coast Parish Priest, Fr Matthew Moloney, led the celebration for Nagle House, and Nagle House Captain, Dae-Shawna Row Row, spoke to all the Nagle House members about the importance of following Nano’s example of compassion and courage.