News from Walkerston
14 March, 2023World Day of Prayer 2023
‘I have heard about your Faith’
A world day of prayer service was held at St John the Apostle Church at Walkerston on Friday 3rd March.
Doris Vassallo welcomed and hosted 35 people to the service, from various churches: Mary Magdalene Anglican Church Walkerston, Uniting Church Walkerston, Holy Rosary Church Marian, and parishioners from St Johns. Morning tea was served in the hall, followed by the St John’s Church service.
World day of prayer is celebrated in over 170 countries around the world on this day. The women of Taiwan, who prepared the service, wished for a ‘Ping-an’. In Taiwanese ‘Ping-an’ means ‘May God grant you peace and a peaceful relationship with God and with one another’. Through this celebration, the Christian women of Taiwan shared their experiences and bore witness to God’s grace and mighty works.
After the welcome and greeting there were prayers of praise followed by a song of praise, a statement about Taiwan was read out, a Bible reading of Ephesians 1:15-20 followed by five stories from Taiwanese women and prayers.
Commissioning for the 2024 service. Next year’s service will be written by the women of Palestine on the Theme ‘Bear with one another in love’. Next year this Service will be held at Mary Magdalene Anglican Church Walkerston,
The closing hymn was ‘The day you gave us, Lord, has ended’.
The day was organized by Doris Vassallo and Phyllis Vella, and Michele Mugliett provided the music. St John’s is blessed to have these three ladies who go above and beyond as volunteers with their work and involvement in the Walkerston Parish.