News from the Cathedral Parish
11 July, 2022
For the past six months over 60 children and their families have participated in the Cathedral Parish Sacramental Program which involves preparation for Penance, Confirmation and Eucharist. On Friday, 17 June, the children were Confirmed by Bishop Michael in a beautiful celebration in St Joseph’s Cathedral made extra special with splendid music provided by a choir organised by Claire Stitt. Bishop Michael was assisted by Fr Mathias and the Cathedral was humming with excitement and anticipation from the children and families alike.
After receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, the families were invited to Masses at St Paul’s Gracemere and St Joseph’s Cathedral that weekend for the children to receive Eucharist for the first time.
A big thank you for the commitment and dedication of the Sacramental team for supporting the children as they prepared for and completed their Sacraments of Initiation.
Anthony Greene
Parish Sacraments Coordinator and Principal St Paul’s Catholic Primary School, Gracemere
New Baptism Coordinator for the Cathedral Parish
Helen Godwyn, St Joseph’s Cathedral Gift & Bookstore Manager has recently taken on the role of Baptism Coordinator for the Cathedral Parish. Helen is the first point of contact for all enquiries about Baptism for children aged 0 to 6 years.
Contact details are:
- email –,
- phone – 07 4921 2170
When there is an enquiry an enrolment form will be emailed and once completed and sent back, a date will be set for the Gathering of Families. These are held on the 1st Sunday of the month following the 9.30 am Mass, in the Cathedral Centre behind the Bookstore. At this time, the enrolment details will be checked and a date set for the Baptism. Once this has been completed families will be asked to attend the Rite of Welcome on the next 1st Sunday of the following month during the 9.30 am Mass.
Baptisms are held on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month following the 9.30 am Mass in The Cathedral.