News from the Capricorn Coast
18 October, 2021Welcome back Fr Matthew!! A big thank you to Fr Noel and Fr Matthias, for looking after us while Fr Matthew was on holidays.
We also welcome our school staff and students back, for the final term of the year.
The Capricorn Coast community gathered at Mary Immaculate Church, Emu Park for 8am Mass, followed by a shared breakfast. This was held on 25th September to celebrate 117 years of Catholic community in Emu Park. The first church was opened and blessed on this day in 1904 by Right Reverend Bishop Doyle of Lismore, NSW.
A Multicultural Mass was held on Sunday 3rd October at Sacred Heart Church, Yeppoon with Fr Noel. About 30 Filipino women and men graced our Sunday morning Mass. Some were regular parishioners, some friends of these. Hymns were in Tagalong, with a small choir of theirs leading us.
Instead of the expected morning tea, we were given a veritable Filipino Feast – finger food, curries, desserts and cakes. No wonder we are hoping that this becomes a regular feature of our parish life.
Our bi-monthly ‘Meet in the Middle’ was a wonderful morning of fellowship. Twenty seven parishioners came along to share stories, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company in the beautiful surroundings. See you all for the last meet of the year at the Waterline Cafe, on Monday 13th December at 10 o’clock.
With the lifting of some Covid restrictions, the Parish started to gather socially after the weekend Masses starting in August. The new 5pm Mass time, allows for parishioners to gather for dinner on the night that the newly formed youth group meets. Sacred Heart Church hosted a `Rice and Spice’ dinner on 10th October, offering a couple of curry dishes and a stroganoff for those of a more delicate palate. With some ladies from St Ursula’s joining us and a couple of St Brendan’s boarders, we had over 80 in attendance.
History Report
We also had a visit from Maree Ganley last weekend. As we read in September’s issue, Maree is looking for history from the different areas of the Diocese. A few people were able to give Maree plenty of information to write about. Good luck with your travels Maree and we look forward to the end result.
Farewell to our Year 12 students as they begin graduation Masses (or rather Senior Celebrations is the new term, I believe) in preparation for the end of their school years. We farewell you with our blessing, and wish you all the very best for the next stage of your lives. We pray for the Lord’s guidance upon each step you take.