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News from the Capricorn Coast

21 November, 2024

It has been a lovely month of gathering and celebrating.

We said farewell to our senior class from St Brendan’s College, and we thank them for their time spent as part of our Parish. We wish them all the best for their future endeavours and remind them that God loves each one of them unconditionally, and is always walking right by their side.
We celebrated with families having their children baptised, and we welcome them all into God’s loving family. We pray that each child will grow deeper in their relationship with God as they learn more about their faith through the coming years.

We had a wonderful celebration of Multicultural gifts and blessings at our Multicultural Mass. The traditional dress, colours and singing were beautiful to behold. We then gathered for a scrumptious morning tea and lots of chatting afterwards. Thank you to everyone who organised and attended this special morning.

Last Saturday night at Mary Immaculate Church, we acknowledged Fr Matthew’s 20th anniversary of ordination with Mass and a shared meal afterwards. On Monday night November 11th, which was Fr Matthew’s actual date of ordination, Fr Matthew and fellow priests celebrated Mass at Sacred Heart Church and enjoyed a meal together afterwards. Congratulations Fr Matthew and we pray you will be blessed with many more. We thank you also for your leadership and guidance of our parish and for your great sense of humour. I think more celebrations are still to come!!
Our monthly gatherings are still happening at The Waterline Cafe, where both sides of our parish come together to celebrate the gift of each other. Numbers were down yesterday, but we pray they will increase for our Christmas meeting, which will be held on December 9th, commencing at 10am.
We have just introduced a new votive candle burning system in both of our churches, where parishioners can light a candle and say a prayer for a special intention. It is a well worked out system.