News from the Capricorn Coast
16 September, 2024
August 15th brought us three Masses across the Parish, to celebrate the special feast day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast day commemorates the belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken up body and soul into heaven at the end of her life on earth. The first Mass was held at Mary Immaculate Church, Emu Park. At this Mass we had the privilege of having Sisters from the Mercy, Josephites, Benedictines and Presentation orders present. How amazing!! We then gathered afterwards for coffee at a nearby cafe. The second Mass was held at Sacred Heart Church with all our primary school students from Sacred Heart and St Benedict’s. This made for a full house of song, prayer and excitement. The third Mass was held at St Brendan’s outdoor amphitheatre, with both St Brendan’s and St Ursula’s students present.
August 17/18/19 was the weekend of Bishop Michael’s visit to our parish. Bishop Michael confirmed 42 children and adults on the Friday night. A wonderful and joyous night enjoyed by all who attended. The Saturday morning was for Bishop Michael to hear from parishioners involved in various ministries within the Parish. On Saturday night, Bishop Michael celebrated Mass at Mary Immaculate Church, along with Fr Matthew and Fr Peter. Afterwards we gathered for some very tasty soup, while we chatted and caught up with everyone who stayed on. Sunday morning arrived and Bishop Michael celebrated the First Holy Communion Mass with Fr Matthew, and our Sacramental Program primary school children and their families. Mass was followed by a gathering to celebrate this special occasion for our parish. On Sunday evening, Bishop Michael celebrated with seven secondary school students and one staff member from St Brendan’s, who were enjoying a significant milestone, as they were formally welcomed into the Catholic faith following their completion of the RCIA program.
We congratulate all who received the sacraments this weekend, and we pray for your continued walk with our amazing God.
One of our beautiful parishioners Possie Clein, celebrated a very special milestone of reaching 90 years of age on August 20th. Possie celebrated the previous weekend at her home, with a gathering of family and friends. Congratulations Possie and we pray you will enjoy many more years to come.
On Father’s Day, we gave each of these special men a bookmark with a beautiful prayer on the back. Our Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, storytellers and singers of song. We pray that God will continue to bless each one of you.
On Saturday September 7th, Mary Immaculate Church held their monthly shared meal, and we were able to share this meal with Fr Stephen Hanly. Fr Stephen is filling in for Fr Matthew, while he is away on holidays. Thank you very much Fr Stephen for your leadership and guidance over this time.
Our monthly Meet in the Middle was held on Monday 9th at the Waterline Cafe. We were lucky to have our ex parish secretary Vanessa join us for a chat and coffee. Vanessa is currently the Diocesan Community Engagement Manager.
The committee for our 120 year’s celebration of Mary Immaculate Church had their first meeting last week and plans are on the move.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Fr Don White, on his appointment as Vicar General. We pray the Lord will guide you in this role as you seek His wisdom.