News from Springsure
15 November, 2023
In recent weeks, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish has been abuzz with a variety of events – Christmas Fete, a wedding and multicultural Mass to name a few.
This year’s Catholic Community fete was a great success. Held on a balmy night on the oval at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic School and with a great crowd in attendance, the children enjoyed the variety of rides on offer while their parents and grandparents were able to socialise and purchase goods from a wide variety of stall holders and ticket sellers. Frs Truc and Francois, along with Macka, were ham wheel ticket sellers ‘par excellence’, selling all the tickets very quickly. The lucky winner of the Christmas Cake donated by Diane McNamara was Trudy Roberts and the 81 donated prizes for the multi-draw raffle proved very popular with close to 2000 tickets being sold! Entertainment was provided by the Fabulous Lochington Guy and Santa also made an appearance. Overall, it was a wonderful event which was widely supported by the community of Springsure and surrounds.
The parish also held its first multicultural Mass recently which was also well-supported and a very positive experience. Parishioners were invited to welcome each other in the language of another country and the Readings and Prayers of the Faithful were proclaimed in languages other than English. After Mass we thoroughly enjoyed a variety of foods from different cultures. We look forward to celebrating next year’s multicultural Mass already.
In mid-December we will join with the other churches of Springsure in presenting Christmas Carols to the community. This year’s event will be held in the grounds of the Springsure Hospital so that the elderly residents can enjoy being a part of the celebration.
Sadly, we have also farewelled a faithful and faith-filled parishioner, Lyn Woolcock, who died on 4th October 2023. Lyn was our pastoral co-ordinator for some years and was a wise and indomitable character with a sharp wit. She has been described by her family as possessing these main characteristics – family, faith, joy and connection – plus a big dose of practicality. Lyn will be dearly missed by her husband, Alban, children Richard, Susan-Joy, Christopher, William and their partners and her grandchildren. Her favourite quote was by Ralph Waldo Emerson and something she would like us to remember: Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.