News from Mackay
12 December, 2022On Monday night 28th November, the Mackay Catholic Men’s Club held its last dinner for the year. Our guest speaker was Fr. Don White, the Parish Priest of the Mackay South cluster of parishes. Kevin our chairman, welcomed everyone and opened with our Patron’s Prayer. Thanks go to Matty for looking after the prayer cards.
Reflection by Rex:
“Thoughts about the Bible”.
Firstly, blessed are those who receive it as it truly is – God’s Word – not man’s. Such belief can be life-changing. Jesus said the Word of God is a seed that can bring life out of good soil and produce good fruit. The words in the Bible also work in that they are sent out and will not return to God empty. From creation we know our God is creative and so is His Word. It created all that exists. God spoke, and it was so. Finally, the Bible is authoritative, Jesus spoke with the power to heal, cast out spirits, and restore broken people. The gathering forces of darkness must submit to His Word so children of God, use His Word the Bible. You can stand on it, Amen.
Fr Don said Grace and tables self-served to a beaut roast meal. Many thanks to the team at the City Bowls club.
After dinner, Kevin welcomed Fr Don White our guest speaker to speak about his 3 years of study in Rome and the importance of Catholic moral teaching in today’s chaotic society.
Fr. Don returned from study leave in Rome in early September 2022 and so he offered a talk that included some reflections on his recently completed studies in Catholic moral theology in Rome and where Catholic moral thought offers guidance for today.
He spoke about his experience of being a post-graduate student at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, also known as the Angelicum. He outlined the extent of his studies, including the many topics he covered in moral theology and an outline of his thesis and presence exam that he undertook to obtain a License in Sacred Theology. He explained how a License from a Pontifical University is like a longer version of a Masters’ degree which is designed to enable its recipient to be able to teach in a particular area.
Fr. Don also gave a history of the Angelicum, noting how the university is run by the Dominican order and therefore it uses the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas as a framework for its courses. He also spoke about the strong sense of community he enjoyed while he was a student there. He has made many good friends with other students, including priests and religious from America, India, Italy, and Scotland.
Fr. Don shared about some important ideas in Catholic moral teaching and outlined why he thought the framework that St. Thomas Aquinas offers is so important for today. He left us with the thought that the world needs the clarity that Aquinas offers in so many moral issues of our time.
We are grateful to Fr. Don for his talk and he took a number of questions from those present, which highlighted the need for people in the Church to understand more about Catholic moral theology and what it offers for the issues of our time.
We look forward to regathering for our Catholic Men’s Club dinners in 2023. To all the readers, we wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.