News from Bundaberg
14 December, 2021Multicultural Sunday
We finished the Church’s year acknowledging the diversity of cultures that exist in God’s kingdom here in Bundaberg. This celebration of our unity took place with formality at the 6.00pm Mass at St Patrick’s – the Vigil of Christ the Universal King. At this Mass we asked that as many as possible attended wearing their distinctive National dress or National colours. People from Tonga, Vietnam, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, China, Malaysia, India, Australia, Scotland were some of our cultures represented.
This opportunity to celebrate who we are as one community in the Parish honours the God who calls each of us by name to be God’s expression of love to and for one another
Memorial Service
Twice a year the Bereavement Team organizes a Memorial liturgy for families whose loved one has died in the previous six months. Wednesday, 17th November, in Holy Rosary Church saw nearly 100 people come together to remember and celebrate our faith in the Risen Jesus. Each family received a candle and rose in memory of their deceased family member. It’s a tribute to the Bereavement Team that this liturgy continues to grow in attendance each year.
This month sees the parish farewelling two very important people (VIP) from the Parish Team: Fr Marcel Kujur and Mrs Denise Tuzes.
Fr Marcel, after ten years of ministry and service in the diocese, is going home to India. It is with mixed feelings that he leaves us: he is longing to re-unite with his family but will miss the people and ministry that he has met and experienced in his time here. With the aide of modern technology we will keep in touch.
Denise began her time as Pastoral Visitation coordinator in 2006 and later included the role of coordination role in an effort to reduce her workload on the road to retirement, which now has come. Denise has been a strong advocate for the visitation ministry in any parish as a means of maintaining contact with those who are housebound or in care, unable to worship with their Sunday faith community. Her experience as a Bereavement minister for all those years too comes from her personal experience of grief and her desire to assist others through their time of loss. We now thank Denise sincerely for her contribution to our parish and wish her well in retirement.
Having farewelled two Parish Team members we welcome Brother Ted Magee in the new role of Parish Executive Officer. This is an unchartered position in the parish but one that is needed to support the work of the Parish Priest in these ever-demanding times. Brother Ted will work closely with Fr Peter, parish priest, and the Parish Stewardship Council, ensuring the Vision and Goals of the Council are being achieved.
Christmas Break-ups
‘Tis the season for Christmas break-up parties, and many parish groups have celebrated the ending of another year. The ladies of the Catholic Women’s League and Blanket Buddies, the Religious Instruction in State School catechists, the Visitation Ministers, Knights of the Southern Cross, the Youth Groups, and of course all in our Catholic schools have breathed a sigh of relief and are taking a break from ministry.
To all across the diocese, may God’s Advent blessings of peace, joy, love and hope be with you and yours this Christmas.
Anne Sheehan