News from Bundaberg
23 February, 2023
Christmas and New Year
They have come and gone. Our Christmas Masses were overflowing with family, friends and visitors. It appeared that many people came home for Christmas last year. The Mass with Children held in Holy Rosary Church is always popular. The children who took part in the dramatisation of the Gospel were absolutely adorable, taking their role very seriously.

A simple yet heartfelt farewell was attended by more than a hundred parishioners and representatives of other churches and the local community on Tuesday evening. Dr Preshy Varghese spoke on behalf of the Parish community and made a presentation to Fr Peter. In his reply, Fr Peter spoke of his gratitude to all in the Parish and of his pride in the outreach and service of our community. The sung blessing and best wishes were a resounding tribute to a humble and compassionate pastor.
We also said goodbye and thanks to Miss Elizabeth Kelly after her nearly three years as Youth Ministry Coordinator. Lizzie has moved to Logan City to engage in further youth ministry. Lizzie supervised four young people at Ignite Summer Camp, a week before leaving Bundaberg. Such energy!
Welcome Fr Don
As is the rhythm of parish life, we farewell one priest and welcome another. This time Fr Don White arrived in Bundaberg in time for the opening Mass for school staff, and is discovering an unfamiliar (to him) area of the diocese. He is finding his way in and about the city, meeting with school leadership teams, the Parish Team, and parishioners at Masses.
Fr Don will be installed as our parish priest during the 9.00am Mass at St Patrick’s, during Bishop Michael’s visit on the weekend of 18/19th March.
Australia Day
This is always a day to celebrate and give thanks to God for our unique land and its people. With heightened political and social discussions surrounding the day, Fr Don reminded us that, on this day, we pray “that as the Cross shines in our southern skies, so may Christ bring light to our nation, to its peoples old and new, and by saving grace, transform our lives.” And so we did, in song and prayer, and afterwards with a cuppa and a scone.