Marian Branch CWL Hosts Diocesan Conference
19 July, 2021
Marian Branch of the Catholic Women’s League hosted the Rockhampton Diocesan Conference on Saturday, 12th June, 2021 at the Holy Rosary Church and Parish Centre. Branches represented were St Mary’s, St Joseph’s, St Francis, Farleigh, Calen and Marian. Apologies were received from Bundaberg Branch and the State Executive. Members were delighted to be joined by our Chaplain Father Pat Mooney who led the Memorial Mass to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, along with Father Don, Father Alex and Father Jayanti.
Following the Conference Mass, participants moved to the Parish Centre for a delicious morning tea and the formal part of the conference which began with a Welcome to Country and the introduction of delegates followed by The Litany of St Joseph led by Diocesan President Jan Webb. Guest speaker Sister Marise Casey delivered an inspiring talk. This was followed by reports, recommendations, discussions on future activities and re-election of the current executive. Jan concluded the conference by introducing us to Mary in her role as Undoer of Knots and invited us to pray a special prayer with her. Jan told us that Pope Francis has a special devotion to Mary in this role. Participants concluded the day with a scrumptious lunch at the local hotel.
The theme of the conference “Blessed is the Virgin Mary who kept the Word of God and pondered it in her heart” was used by Father Pat in his homily, the Prayers of the Faithful and the talk presented by our guest speaker, Sister Marise Casey. They focused on Mary, her life as a wife, sister and mother, her trials and tribulations, her sorrows, her questions and her doubts but most of all her acceptance that God had a plan for her life which sometimes involved journeying into the unknown with trust in the Word of God. Messages also focused on our own journeys, particularly during the time of the lockdown last year. Sister Marise reminded us that throughout the loneliness, the devastation, the fears and doubts posed by the year, we always had Mary as an example to live by and reminded us that many of us were able to find opportunities to express that love through phone calls, letters and once we were able to visit, being able to appreciate the gift of one another, particularly our families. She invited us to remember that we are always loved and reminded us to keep the Word of God and ponder it in our hearts.
Cathy Leitenberger (President Marian Branch CWL)