Jubilee Celebrations of our Priests
17 August, 2021
Congratulations to our Priests who celebrated their Jubilee.
On the 6th August, Feast of the Transfiguraton, the Diocese of Rockhampton honoured the 2020 & 2021 Presbyteral Jubilarians with a Celebration Mass.
The Golden Jubilarians who celebrated 50 years of Priestly service in 2020 were Mons John Grace, Rev John Daly and Rev Warren Kinne SSC and Rev Bryan Hanifin and Rev John Hayes reached this milestone in the past few days.
Rev Donald White PP celebrated 30 years of Priestly service in 2020.
Mons John Grace and Rev Warren Kinne were unable to join the celebration in person due to COVID lockdowns in the South East. Neither were Bishop Brian Heenan and a number of the jubilarians’ family who were going to join for the celebration.
As Bishop Michael said, “each of these five Priests have gone out to live incredible vocations of service and commitment. The Church of Rockhampton honours these Sons of God to 50 years of dedicated priestly life and who have responded generously to the call of God.”
During Mass, Bishop Michael encouraged our Diocesan family to rejoice, “Rejoice, because this is about our Priests, who have given themselves to the life of the Church, the life of God’s people and also as they have given their life to you, the brothers and sisters of our Diocese of Rockhampton”.
May we remember the gifts that these Priests and all Priests have given to us throughout their Priesthood.
Congratulations, and may the God of Jesus Christ continue to energize you.
Following the Eucharist, many family, friends and former parishioners joined with the jubilarians on the concourse for a buffet, speeches and gift giving.
The event was streamed on the St Joseph’s Cathedral YouTube channel and remains available for viewing.