Chrism Mass 2023
29 April, 2023On Thursday 30th March, Bishop Michael gathered with the clergy, religious and people from across the Diocese to celebrate the Chrism Mass for our Diocese for 2023. The Mass culminated a time of retreat for our clergy prior to Holy Week.
At the Mass, the oils of Catechumens and of the sick were blessed and the chrism consecrated to be used in the sacraments across our Diocese for the next 12 months. Our priests renewed their promise “to be faithful stewards of the mysteries of God in the Holy Eucharist and the other liturgical rites, and to discharge faithfully the sacred office of teaching” for those in their care. The community prayed for our Bishop and priests in their ministry and resolved to live out more fully our own baptismal calling.
Bishop Michael welcomed three new priests to our Diocese who had arrived in Australia just the week earlier and thanked them for offering their services to join us here. The new priests are Fr Samuel and Fr Kingsley from the Umuahia Diocese in Nigeria and Fr Raju from the Cochin Diocese in India. After a short period of inculturation they will be appointed to assist in parishes.
The Chrism Mass is one of the few occasions each year where all our clergy gather to celebrate, and is a celebration for all across our widespread Diocese. People travel to Rockhampton to join this Diocesan celebration and we can connect with more people through our YouTube streaming services from St Joseph’s Cathedral.
Refreshments in the Cathedral Corso area after Mass gave an opportunity for the community to catch-up with our clergy and those visiting from afar.