Bishop Michael’s Easter Message 2022
13 April, 20225 April 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
The year has been off to a turbulent beginning – with the COVID wave, unrest in the Ukraine and natural disasters affecting a large portion of the east coast, impacting food supplies and the cost of living. We do still have much to be thankful for. We enjoy peace in our land, and we are starting to see some semblance of normality returning with restrictions easing and travel opening up. We have just been through the season of Lent, preparing ourselves, our hearts, through prayer, fasting and almsgiving – looking beyond ourselves. How are you now going to rise with Christ this Easter? That after all is the message of Easter; “He is alive!”
We are called to be alive in our faith and respond to Christ’s call to be Disciples of the Risen Lord. In these times we need people to be the light of Christ in our world. We need your care, your goodness, your enthusiasm, your participation and your faith to shine forth for all to see. As Christians we are not supposed to live our lives, solitary, in the darkness of the tomb. Christ has called us to be alive, to go out and to live the Gospel message as examples in this world.
So, this year I invite you all to return to your parishes for the Sacred Paschal Triduum and encounter it in a new way. Come and experience the gift of the Eucharist through the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday eve, as Christ presents us with the wonderful gift of himself in the Eucharist. Walk with Christ through agony and pain in the Stations and the Passion of Our Lord as he gives himself on the cross for you on Good Friday. Join in the celebration of the Easter Vigil as we welcome our Catechumens with excitement as full members of our Church. Finally, celebrate Christ risen on Easter Sunday, having destroyed death and unlocked for us the path to eternity. This is such a significant part of our faith which has been celebrated for thousands of years. Do not let the opportunity and significance pass by without appreciating it.
Joining with our Holy Father inviting the Mother of God and our Mother – to your Immaculate Heart we solemnly entrust and consecrate ourselves, the Church and all humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine.
May you truly experience the journey of Easter this year with Christ and let us move forward as Disciples of the Risen Lord, co-responsible for the Mission in this world.
God bless and happy Easter!
Most Rev Michael McCarthy