25 years celebrated at Blessing and Opening at MacKillop
18 August, 2021
The blessing and opening of redeveloped educational facilities at MacKillop Catholic Primary School, Mackay, was a wonderful addition to the school’s 25th Anniversary celebrations during Catholic Education Week last month.
The blessing was conducted by Parish Administrator Fr James Ezeocha, and Director Catholic Education – Diocese of Rockhampton, Miss Leesa Jeffcoat AM, officially opened the new facilities.
The project included construction of school administration and library entries, lunch area and canteen, learning support room, Prep playground plus associated travel, amenities and outdoor learning areas along with refurbished teaching spaces.
Miss Jeffcoat said the significant redevelopment reflected the ongoing commitment of the MacKillop community to ensuring the school was well-equipped and well-resourced to continue to deliver quality faith-based learning to students.
“Over the past 25 years, MacKillop Catholic Primary School has built on the traditions established by St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. The school’s motto of Faith and Service exemplifies the commitment of dedicated staff to nurture in students a love of God, a love of neighbour and a lifelong love of learning,” Miss Jeffcoat said.
“On this significant occasion of the blessing and opening of these fantastic new facilities combined with the 25-year celebrations, I would like to congratulate and thank all the members of the MacKillop community, past and present, who have contributed to the development of this wonderful school over the past quarter of a century,” Miss Jeffcoat said.
Acting School Principal Mrs Helen Privett said staff, students and parents were very supportive throughout the redevelopment work and were now very much enjoying the new facilities.
“All in our community are very pleased with the new facilities and the positive impact on teaching and learning for our staff and students. It’s particularly special that the project was completed in our 25th year and we look forward to the future with great confidence,” Mrs Privett said.